jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

The UCI has requested the opening of disciplinary proceedings against Alberto Contador after giving an abnormal result in the doping control on 21 Jul

The UCI has requested the opening of disciplinary proceedings against Alberto Contador after giving an abnormal result in the doping control on 21 July in Pau during the second rest day of the last Tour de France.

The UCI has not merely followed the protocol followed in these cases, ie the power to sanction or not the federation of the rider concerned. What has not been made public, nor likely will do is raise awareness of the analytical result. If positive it is clear, the Spanish Federation will have no choice but to punish the broker or exposure to the ICU acts on its own. The Spanish Federation, chaired by Carlos Castaño, is now within one month to reach a decision, as provided in Article 208 of the Anti-Doping Rules.

The Federation has a period of two days to report to the corridor and open the proceedings. Once you have decided, should communicate the decision within three days in the ICU, who must report on all aspects of disciplinary proceedings, whatever the verdict. If the UCI does not agree with the decision of the Spanish, may appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). ICU can also appeal to the CAS if the federation's response is delayed beyond the deadline. Article 281 of the anti-doping rule states that "if the conclusion of the procedure took more than three months, the UCI has the power to bring the case to a single judge of TAS."

On September 30 it was announced that the cyclist's urine Madrid tiny Traces of clenbuterol, which entailed freezing of Contador. At that time the UCI said that "because the tiny amount of the substance detected (50 picograms per milligram) Additional scientific investigations are carried out in collaboration with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) before drawing any conclusion."

If Contador is sanctioned lose his third victory in the Tour de France, as provided in Article 288 of the Anti-Doping Rules, which states that "a violation of the anti-doping laws automatically imply the cancellation of the individual result obtained in the competition which is carried over. "

But this can only be known when the Spanish Federation has already dealt with the disciplinary proceedings within a month if it hastens the legal deadline. In 'If Landis' Tour victory of 2006 was not awarded to Oscar Pereiro to last 16 months. This was due to Landis legal skirmishes to delay resolution

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